vendredi, mai 26, 2006

Word of the day: Junta


1. A group of military officers ruling a country after seizing power.
2. A council or small legislative body in a government, especially in Central or South America.
3. A junto.

lundi, mai 22, 2006

Rorshach tile#3

mardi, mai 16, 2006

learning German#2

dimanche, mai 07, 2006

Word of the day: Coy(ly)


adj. coy·er, coy·est
1. Tending to avoid people and social situations; reserved.
2. Affectedly and usually flirtatiously shy or modest. See Synonyms at shy.
3. Annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment.

samedi, mai 06, 2006

Is creativity settled in your families genes?

I always wondered if creativity can be derived al the way to your DNA, or is it all epigenetics? Creativity has always been a part of my family as far as I remember. This video of Marc leBlanc of the American branch of my family (they emigrated for beeing persecuted for beeing Protestant under the Catholic king) confirms my suspiscions.

p.s. Most members of that branch of the family are actors too!

mercredi, mai 03, 2006

learning German#1