mardi, février 28, 2006
lundi, février 27, 2006
Spam, part 2:
I get alot of chain-mails which you should forward for a noble cause, but I never really trust these mail, because although they are send to you via a good friend; You really never know the person behind it who first started this.
What do you think? is this for real? Is this a serious initiative? Do you know these people? Will it have any effect? Will it matter if you forward this or not? Should I forward this? Would you? Do we really need oxygen?
What do you think? is this for real? Is this a serious initiative? Do you know these people? Will it have any effect? Will it matter if you forward this or not? Should I forward this? Would you? Do we really need oxygen?
Hi All,
The Brazilian congress is now voting on a project that will reduce the Amazon forest to 50% of its size. It will take 1 MINUTE to read this, but PLEASE put your names on the list and forward this on as instructed below.
First, some facts:
The Amazon rainforest is responsible for the generation of 20% of the oxygen that we on this earth breathe, 30% of the world's freshwater is contained within the Amazon basin. 60% of the cancer-fighting drugs used today are derived from plants that can only be found within the Amazon rainforest. The area to be forested is 4 times the size of Portugal and would be mainly used for agriculture and pastures for livestock.
All the wood is to be sold to international markets in the form of wood chips, by large multinational companies.
The truth is that the soil in the Amazon forest is useless without the forest itself. Its quality is very acidic and the region is prone to constant floods. At this time more than 160,000 square kilometres deforested with the same purpose are abandoned and in the process of becoming deserts, meaning that this proposal is in the short-term interests of a few, and in the long term interests of none.
Please copy (cut & paste) the entire text into a new e-mail, put your complete name on the list below, and send to everyone you know.
Blindcopies (BCC) would be nice...
DON'T JUST FORWARD IT, AS IT WILL THEN END UP WITH ROWS AND ROWS of '>'wich discourages people from sending it on.).
If you are the 400th person to sign please send a copy to:
Thank you for your help!
samedi, février 25, 2006
vendredi, février 24, 2006
Things I find on the web, Part 3

Tanya, getting hand-cuffed next to a police car. 2004
Tanya: "We even had to put the cop car in the album. The officer actually gave us the hand-cuffs, I made this one a little bit artistic"
mercredi, février 22, 2006
Word of the day: elision
a. Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation.
b. Omission of an unstressed vowel or syllable, as in scanning a verse.
2. The act or an instance of omitting something.
a. Omission of a final or initial sound in pronunciation.
b. Omission of an unstressed vowel or syllable, as in scanning a verse.
2. The act or an instance of omitting something.
mardi, février 21, 2006
MSN portrait#2: Maurizio

lundi, février 20, 2006
vendredi, février 17, 2006
Word of the day: mercurial
-relating to or containing or caused by mercury
-"mercurial preparations"; "mercurial sore mouth"
-liable to sudden unpredictable change "erratic behavior"; "fickle weather"; -"mercurial twists of temperament"; "a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next"
-relating to or containing or caused by mercury
-"mercurial preparations"; "mercurial sore mouth"
-liable to sudden unpredictable change "erratic behavior"; "fickle weather"; -"mercurial twists of temperament"; "a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next"
jeudi, février 16, 2006
mercredi, février 15, 2006
mardi, février 14, 2006
lundi, février 13, 2006
dimanche, février 12, 2006
samedi, février 11, 2006
the power of diversity
A self does not amount to much, but no self is an island; each exists in a fabric of relations that is now more complex and mobile than ever before. Young or old, man or woman, rich or poor, a person is always located at “nodal points” of specific communication circuits, however tiny these may be. Or better: one is always located at a post through which various kinds of messages pass. No one, not even the least privileged among us, is ever entirely powerless over the messages that traverse and position him at the post of sender, addressee, or referent.
vendredi, février 10, 2006
jeudi, février 09, 2006
mercredi, février 08, 2006
Star gazing
Weren't it the old Greeks that claimed that a blanket was pulled over the world when you went to sleep? An old partly ragged blanket, full of tears and holes: that were the comets and planets. That explanation always settled my mind at ease because its so comforting. We don't really want to know why everything is as it is, we just want the most comforting explanation. Or the most poetic... We search only for that we want to find...
mardi, février 07, 2006
lundi, février 06, 2006
How to make money out of art!?

(Is this a political statement??, I'm not sure :/)
dimanche, février 05, 2006
samedi, février 04, 2006
Spacing art
Wow, what strange works of art you can find on the net these days, this artist openly calls his work "strange", and his style "spacing-art". I think I said enough already, just see it for yourself!
And the best thing is, that he even explains to you why his paintings are unique! What were you asking more for in live?
And the best thing is, that he even explains to you why his paintings are unique! What were you asking more for in live?
I just woke up with a great idea for an artwork in the public space.
But I'm not going to tell you... :P
But I'm not going to tell you... :P